Enrollment in Rainbow School is open to all children of our coastal community aged 2 to 6 yrs old, without regard to race, creed, religious belief, or health disability. We try to accommodate any physical disability as well.

Procedures for Enrollment

Please follow the following steps:

  1. Complete the following state license-required and Rainbow School forms
    A. Identification and Emergency Information
    B. Consent for Emergency Medical Treatment
    C. Physician’s Report for Child Care Centers and immunization record ( filled out by a doctor or nurse practitioner)
    D. Child’s Preadmission Health History
    E. Parents/Personal Rights forms
    F. Various Rainbow School forms: new child questionnaire, group email permission, field trip permission, admission agreement, and enrollment contract
  2. Verify immunizations
    State licensing requires children to be up-to-date with immunizations or working on completing with a written “catch up plan” from their health care provider.  We’ll provide the “Parent’s Guide to Immunization Requirements” for children entering child care in California. Each child is also required to have the state licensing Physician Report filled out by your child’s health care provider within 30 days of admittance to the program.
  3. Submit completed enrollment forms and yearly $50 registration fee
    Due upon initial enrollment. Forms are to be completed by the parent or legal court-appointed guardian and returned to the school director prior to the first day of attendance.
  4. Sign enrollment contract
    This will be provided within the first 2 weeks in which a child starts attending Rainbow School. Updated family handbooks are given out with enrollment papers or during the first or second week of school.

Waiting List and Communication

A child may be placed on a waiting list for a currently full or future class at Rainbow School by the child’s parent or legal guardian. When space is available, placement for a child on the waiting list will be determined not only by date of contact, but also by child’s age, child’s sex (for balance of boys and girls), and the staff’s observation of the child’s developmental level. Families with siblings currently enrolled may be given precedence.

Should a child be withdrawn from the program, his or her name can be placed back on the waiting list by contacting the director, providing balance of the account is paid. Any business-related communication about an enrolled child or a child on the waiting list should be with the school director. Please feel free to call or email anytime.


Enrolling your child in Rainbow School is a personal commitment to the well-being of your child as well as a financial commitment to pay tuition for the whole school year. Rainbow School’s Board of Directors will consider any extenuating circumstance requested by the family to withdraw their child, but please bear in mind that our operating budget is based on full enrollment of classes throughout the year. Rainbow School fundraises each year to meet our budget.


Rainbow School has a scholarship fund and offers scholarship discounts to families upon completion of a scholarship application and approval of our school board of directors. Please speak with the school director about applying.

Learn more about Rainbow School history and staff. Please contact us with any questions.