New Year 2019 at Rainbow Preschool

The children and teachers were happy to return to school. We all are especially happy to have Teacher Nancy return to Rainbow after being out on medical leave for 7 weeks. She’s well and doesn’t require chemo or radiation. Yeah! She’ll start back to school slowly: this week (January 14) just 2 days a week for now, Tuesday and Friday.

Monday, January 21 – Rainbow Preschool Is Closed for Martin Luther King Day

You may want to share Dr. King’s dream with your children of wanting all children (and adults) to be judged by the content of their character and heart, not by color of their skin.

Children’s social-emotional growth is most important in their early years. A National Association for Education of Young Children (NAEYC) article, “Preschooler’s Social Skills Steer Life Success” states, “brain research continues to show positive early experiences promote optimum brain development and impacts all areas of development: social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and language. Children’s overall growth is optimized with support in developing their social and emotional intelligence. There is an inextricable link between children’s social and emotional competence, learning, and school readiness.

Teachers and parents can foster children’s school readiness by focusing and building on some key factors: confidence, curiosity (ask open-ended questions: “I wonder what would happen if…?”), self-control, cooperation, communication (being “fully present” when listening), relating to others (look for opportunities to discuss empathy – when a child is hurt, involve other children in comforting him/her), and intentionality (in modeling and coaching).

In preschool and peer interactions, children encounter experiences that will further their social and emotional development. These experiences with others help them to understand, express, and regulate their own emotions, learn to recognize social cues from teachers and peers, and learn and play together well in groups.

It’s a treat to hear children’s voices, laughter, dialogue, singing, etc. I like to watch the children from the “viewing” windows into classrooms and pop in to observe, visit, or help with the children. There is sweet camaraderie growing among children in all the classes. Lasting friendships often begin in preschool; I’ve heard this from many of our alumni: young adults and teenagers.

Please feel free to ask a teacher or myself anything regarding your child, our school, etc. or to set up a time to talk. A couple of children are transitioning from the Playgroup to the Preschool class.

We have openings in all our classes so please spread the word. However, the smaller classes are wonderful.



Please contact us with any questions.